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Cooking classes

Italian cuisine is as much a part of Italian culture as its monuments, sculpture or architecture. And each region and even each district has its own characteristics and traditions. Probably the main secret of Italian cuisine lies in the freshness of their products as the main rule in the kitchen is to use so called "0 km" products, that means products which are produced within maximum of 30-50 km of distance.

Cooking classes are held both in Florence and in Tuscany countryside. Dishes can vary, but usually menu includes 3 or 4 courses: appetizer (like bruschetta or traditional bred with liver paste "fegattini"), first course (which is mainly home-made pasta with typical sauce of the region), second course (for Tuscany it means meat) and dessert (tiramisu or something traditional from the region). Some classes offer grocery shopping before the master class. There are also separate courses specialized in making pasta or pizza.

Even if you're not an avid cook, cooking is an exciting, fun and bonding experience, rewarded with lunch/dinner accompanied by local wine.

Price: starting from 90 euro per person

Кулинарные курсы. Тоскана. Флоренция

Truffle Hunting

Join us for truffle hunting in Tuscany. Our experienced hunters will explain you all the nuances of truffle hunting. They will show you how to distinguish a good truffle from a bad one, and reveal the secret how to find truffle places. You will get a unique experience of the best Tuscan traditions and enjoy a delicious lunch after the hunting.

Usually truffle hunting does not require any preparation from you. The only thing we ask you is to be dressed according to the weather and preferably in rubber boots as the truffle hunting takes place in the forest and the truffle season is usually October-December, when the weather is rainy and quite cold.

We offer you hunting for both black and white truffles. In addition, geographically hunting can take place in the Pisa area and can be combined with a city tour, or you can go to the South of Tuscany and enjoy the beautiful hills of Val d'Orcia, or you can stay in the surroundings of mysterious San Gimignano in a historic estate of Gucciardini Family.

Please note that truffle hunting requires an early wake up!

Cost from 60 to 160 euros per person

Visit winery or cheese factory in Tuscany

Tuscany is known for its elegant Chianti wine and Pecorino cheese. The region is home to a huge number of wineries, and you can choose between historic estates, small farms or modern structures.

During the Winery Tour you will learn how grapes are grown, what works are carried out in the vineyards, what threats the vine, when is the best time to harvest, what happens after the harvest, where and how the wine is produced and then aged. Here you can also have a vertical or horizontal wine tasting, accompanied by snacks or lunch in the Tuscan style.

Another point of interest can be a Cheese Dairy Tour, where you will learn about crucial things in cultivation of sheep and goats for cheese production, you will see how pecorino cheese and ricotta cheese are made and then kept during aging.

And certainly there will be a cheese tasting at the end, accompanied by a glass of local wine.

Price: on request

Винные туры, гастрономические туры. Тоскана
Ужин или обед в гостях у Тосканца. Флоренция

Dining with a local

For all lovers of Italian cuisine and Italian culture we have created a new and exiting experience - lunch or dinner with a local at his house. In this way you can really feel Italian life and atmosphere. You can finally look from inside! In this way you can really immerse yourself in the life of an average Italian and ask him any questions. Meanwhile you can just watch the cooking process or you can participate if you want.

To organize a dinner, you can indicate your budget and the chef will select a menu for you, or you can express your wishes for the menu and get the cost of dinner.

Standard dinner consists of: appetizers; first course (pasta or risotto); second course (fish or meat); dessert. Wine and drinks are included in the price.

Price: 60-160 euro per person

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